Taking A Good Look At Different Realities

One of the more succinct definitions of reality is worth inspecting more closely: Reality means what actually happened or what the actual situation is.

This translates to: Reality is what has been or can be observed. What this means in a broader sense is that your ability to perceive affects your considerations about the reality of your existence.

A person who has no spiritual awareness knows they are a human being with a limited lifespan and when that is done they believe they will go elsewhere. They are quite certain about the importance of matter, energy, space, time, and activities taking place in the material universe. A great number of people are in this group and they are pretty insistent that this is the reality that applies to all life and anything else is nonsense. These are the people who are running most of the world’s activities and they are constantly puzzled by the insanity and difficulties they are being presented with. They seek answers to their health and other problems in medicine, drugs, and support groups.

A person with a limited amount of spiritual awareness is aware of phenomena that are not explained by science but they tend to keep quiet about what they think because they get ridiculed if they speak up. They tend to be open-minded about things like ghosts, spirits, and reincarnation and are often willing to learn more about these phenomena. They are puzzled by the insanities of the world, but they are often willing to look for spiritual answers to the problems they face. They seek help from a vast array of spiritual advisors and religious groups.

A person with the ability to perceive and communicate with spirits is exposed to a vast amount of information that expands every few days. These people can perceive how disembodied spirits are constantly affecting people and events with negative and positive intentions and emotions. They become aware of their own immortality as a spirit and recover information from their past lives and the past lives of others on a constant basis. They have abilities like telepathy and prediction that are considered imaginary by the people in the first group. These people can recognize intentions, attention, other spirits, and even the existence of realities they have not known before. These people are not fully organized yet but their numbers are growing every month. Their biggest problem is not understanding the realities of the first group and how their knowledge is so threatening to the reality of that group.

The first group is not stupid, so when presented with a threat, they will attack quite ferociously. People operating successfully outside the limits of their reality are perceived as being a threat to the reality their life depends on. People in the third group do not share the agreements of the first group and this is a real threat to some in the first group because the people in the third group are describing things the first group cannot perceive and which therefore cannot exist.

Try describing colors to someone who is color-blind and you will observe the same frustration that spiritually blind people experience when you talk about spirits. Try describing a symphony to someone who is deaf and you will get a similar response.

An inability to deal with the existence of spirits has nothing to do with talent or intelligence, it is a matter of prior indoctrination and a lack of spiritual awareness. It is not easily handled, so if you are spiritually aware and are working with spirits you are advised to avoid upsetting the reality of people in the first group. If you are spiritually aware and work with your spirits daily, you should consider yourself as part of a different culture with aspects that may be threatening to other, less-aware cultures.

Our planet has many different cultures and what is desirable in one may be anathema to another culture. Be proud of your culture, but do not flaunt it carelessly.

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