Sunday Morning in Floyd


Yes, that’s just the way I feel like this morning. It was 10 degrees outside a little while ago, the  wind cuts to the bone in seconds, and I have things to do. Up here next to the Blue Ridge Parkway, we are beginning to have real winter weather.

I thought I would "season" the picture to convey the way my body feels at the prospect of going outside and splitting wood this morning.

Waxing  philosophical, I think of days spent loafing instead of storing up against hard times. More thoughts of how a single year is a pattern for life. Those who prepare early can relax during hard times and old age, etc., etc.

Then, I brighten up and realize that I have work to do and time’s a wasting. I will fire up the tractor, split wood, haul it, stack it, and then deliver some finished work to clients who have been out of town.

But, first, another cup of coffee.  Old habits die hard.
Must always take time to smell the roses…or the coffee!

Let’s all go have a good day.

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