SRT Workshop – Managing Your Personas

Your personas are the appearances you present in the various roles you play in life. For a woman, these personas can be as varied as a mother, daughter, lover, secretary, executive, policeman, teacher, judge, entertainer, waitress, chef, author, and many, many, more. For a man, these personas can include being a son, father, grandfather, employee, executive, prisoner, policeman, soldier, sailor, cook, parole officer, and many more. You change your personas to fit your life situations and activities, but some of your older personas may not fit the requirements of your current activities and these are the situations we will be addressing in this workshop.

Not all personas are self-created. There are many which are created by spirits on our behalf. Some of these are quite hidden and only appear in times of great stress. If you have ever seen a quiet, well-mannered person erupt in a furious screaming rage, you have witnessed the appearance of a persona the person may not have know that they had. These hidden personas can wreak havoc on our lives because we are not in control of them and they appear unexpectedly.

We will be discussing some of the more challenging personas and drilling how to detect and handle them so they no longer have an effect on us. Join us on Zoom tomorrow, Sunday. January 5th, at 12 noon using this link:

You will not regret it. It may change your understanding of life.

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