Which of these is Allen’s real personality?

That is a trick question. All of these personas are Allen and they are all real. You have a similar set of your own. These personas are the personalities you and Allen adopt for each social situation in life.

Allen presents a personality to suit the situation he is facing. When he is home with his family, he is “Husband” or “Daddy” . When he is at work, he is “Boss” or “Mr Cartwright”. When he is driving on the highway, he may be “Mr Road Rage”. When he is in a project meeting with his team, he is “Allen”.

He has a lot of personas he does not use any more, like his Boy Scout persona, his “Anxious Teenager persona”, and his “College Casanova persona”. He has other personas he has not used this lifetime which can be triggered by circumstances that overwhelm the personas he regularly uses.

These personas are real personalities, but they are not necessarily under Allen’s control. Many of them are produced by spiritual beings who are helping Allen handle his responsibilities in life. They produce solutions to the problems he faces and for the most part, they do a competent job. They will turn on to handle a task and then pass control to another persona to handle a different task. If you have ever participated in a family dinner, you will have seen mother and father switching personas when talking to each other and to the children. The language changes and so do the attitudes.

Some people seem to be stuck in a persona that works for them in a stressful situation like work, and they exhibit that same persona even when they are home with their family. Presenting an inappropriate persona almost always messes up social interactions because it shows that the person does not understand the rules of social interaction.

You have many different personas that you have adopted over the years and I hope that they serve you well. If you have personas which do not serve you well, you can use processes from Spiritual Rescue Technology to identify and remove the personas which are no longer appropriate for you. These processes are suitable for solo use and are commonly used in SRT counseling sessions as well.

I can teach you how to deal with inappropriate personas in a counseling session or two and you can develop a routine to create the personas you desire with continuing solo sessions. If you want faster results, sign up for a series of counseling sessions to create the personality you desire for success in your chosen field of endeavor. I can teach you to use the law of attraction to be successful as a writer or as a creator/performer in any creative field.

To get an overview of what is involved in managing your personas, join us on Zoom Sunday at 12 noon Eastern time using this link: https://zoom.us/j/4710611444

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