Domain Registry of America – Domain Renewal Scam Alert

Domain Renewal Scamming is a form of Domain slamming. Domain Registry of America is still up to their old tricks. 

Domain slamming is a form of scam in which an internet service provider (ISP) or domain name registrar attempts to trick customers of different companies into switching from their existing ISP/registrar to the scamming ISP/registrar, under the pretense that the customer is simply renewing their subscription to their old ISP/registrar.

A few days ago I received a Domain Name Expiration Notice in the mail from Domain Registry of America. The invoice gives the impression that I need to renew my domain registrations because a couple of my domain names are up for renewal and are about to expire. The letter actually states that, "Your domain name registrations will expire February 8 , 2010!”

This is a direct mail scam because my domain names are currently registered with another company and will be renewed automatically when the time comes.

The wonderful people at Domain Registry of America are trying to persuade me that I should renew my registrations at a price three times higher than what I am paying now.

If you received one of these letters, please ignore it! Do NOT complete the payment slip at the bottom or make any payments to this company. This type of marketing scam is aimed at consumers who do not realize that by returning the invoices along with a payment, their domain names will be transferred from their current domain registrar to DROA.

The letter has their address listed as: 2316 Delaware Avenue #266 Buffalo, New York, which is a UPS Store mail box. (click to enlarge)



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