Things you don’t see every day…

Floyd is different, we all know that. So, when the Floyd Humane Society puts on a combined pet show, pet adoption, and flea market, we get a real show.Oberon

From kittens and baby Nubian goats that elicit a chorus of Awwww…s, to a four-horned Jacob Sheep named Oberon, to a six foot Inspector Dawg, we had it all.


Kids blowing bubbles in the wind. MohawkhaircutMusicians playing and singing great tunes with snappy melodies. Hot dogs and sodas!  Dogs in costumes. Chickens, little ducks, kitties, cats, and alpacas! A little kid with a Mohawk haircut!

Bubbles1_2 We even had a demonstration of how a trained dog finds drugs in packages and in automobiles.

Kittens and cats got adopted by happy new owners and we all had a great time. Thanks to all who made it possible.
(click on images to enlarge)


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