Do you care about your property rights?

How does "Going Green" and "Sustainability" affect your property rights?
You may think that there is no way the UN will have an effect on your lifestyle, but the plans to that effect have already been approved by many Virginia municipalities.


There is a movement in the New River Valley that threatens not only your property rights, but your way of life.  Efforts by government and UN agencies operating under the umbrella of Agenda 21 are being stepped up to reach implementation goals which involve regionalizing water resources, new ordinances,  and massive rezoning based primarily on generally discredited Global Warming scenarios.


Fortunately, there is a growing movement to expose the erosion of property rights by federal and international groups. We have a chance to hear from one of the many groups working to educate property owners about the upcoming threats to private property rights.


I hope to see you tomorrow evening, July 13th at 6:00 pm at the Jessie Peterman Memorial Library, for a special event with Don Casey of the Alliance for Citizens Rights.  Mr. Casey originally started his fight to protect private property rights in Alabama, but now he takes his message across the country and he is currently touring the Southwest Virginia area.


This is an extremely pertinent presentation for Floyd County citizens because the Floyd County Planning Commission has cheduled a public meeting concerning the new Comprehensive Plan on July 19th at 7:00 pm


Mr. Casey will show us how to sort through Comprehensive Plans to find language that endangers our private property rights that are guaranteed to us by the U.S. and the Virginia Constitutions. 


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