If you are 50 and are facing layoffs…

If you are an employee in an underperforming company like Sun Microsystems, your manager has been attending meetings to help him deal with the upcoming layoffs. It is the time of year when your company will lay off employees in an attempt to become profitable again.

You are about to begin a very stressful period in your life and I would like to give you some hard-won advice:

Don’t panic. You can find another job, even if you are over 50, but you will do it by networking, not through resume sites, answering ads, or head hunters.

You will experience enough rejection from being laid off. Do NOT invite more rejection by blindly sending out your resume and answering ads.

This is the first of several posts on dealing with a layoff. If you
are an older employee, you may not have been out on a job interview in
years. There is a strategy to follow that will lead you to your next
job with a minimum of stress.

It is not rocket science, just cold, hard facts. If you are 50 or
older, 90% of the time you will find your next job by leveraging your
network of friends, family and associates.

You absolutely do not need to experience the crushing rejection that
you will experience if you fail to read this post and the ones that

Here is some background reading to prepare you for the next post in this series.


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