You can learn blacksmithing in Floyd, VA

Working with fire to shape metal is an age-old skill that still attracts our interest, even in a world where much of what we use is made in other countries. The Jacksonville Center for the Arts offers a series of eight courses on blacksmithing for students with different levels of experience.

The Center has a fully equipped blacksmith shop with six forges in a wooded setting where students can learn the techniques of making and keeping a forge fire, hammer skills, drawing out, upsetting, cutting, punching, riveting and forge welding steel.

Students also work with tool steel to make and heat treat punches and chisels.

I just discovered that there is a course being given this weekend, if enough students are registered. This Learn to be a Blacksmith course is taught by David Tucciarone. Call 540-745-2784 for information and directions.

There are many other courses available at the Jacksonville Center for the Arts. I will  be writing about them in future posts.

If you sign up for a membership at the Jacksonville Center, you get a discount on your course registration fees. Call 540-745-2784 for a catalog or drop in for a visit. Look for the converted dairy barn on Rte 8 one half mile south of Floyd.

Check out their website

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