Blogs to the left of me, blogs to the right of me…

The Floyd Open Forum on Blogging was interesting for all concerned. Here is the short version of the story:

We wedged 10 amusing and entertaining people into the Northeast corner of the Cafe Del Sol and everybody talked at once for almost two hours. Blogging cards were exchanged, advice was sought and exchanged, and two non-bloggers caught the blogging bug.

Local bloggers included: Linda Wright, Leslie Shelon, Jamie Reynolds, Doug Thompson, Fred First, and Colleen Redman.

Topics covered included: blogs for artists, how blogs change your life, blogging tips, and hands-on demonstration of useful blog features. We even got into technical bits like permalinks and trackbacks which were mysteries to many of the newer bloggers.

It was a high energy meeting all around. Questions were flying and three separate discussion groups were running, some with live demonstrations.

The non-bloggers were amazed at how generous the experienced bloggers were with suggestions and advice. They finally realized that bloggers want to see other people start blogging!

I explained that blogging is not a zero-sum game. There is infinite space on the internet and we all benefit when new people join us in the blogosphere.

We covered so much ground that we decided that we should wait at least two weeks before meeting again. By then, we expect that two of the non-bloggers will be blogging. We will announce them as soon as their blogs launch.

If you are an artist/businessperson interested in promoting yourself via a blog, why not plan on attending the next open forum. You may be pleasantly surprised at the help and encouragement you will receive.

Update: Linda Wright picked up a few new tips during the forum and is sharing them with her buddies at

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