Floyd Open Forum on Blogging

I will be hosting an "Open Forum on Blogging" session at the Cafe Del Sol
this morning from 11:00am to 1:00pm.

If you are an artist, an artisan, or a frustrated writer, you owe it to yourself to drop in and find out why blogging is considered citizen publishing on a grand scale. Discover what it takes to create a weblog and how it can transform your life and your business.

It is open to all bloggers and would-be bloggers and will be relatively unstructured. This is not a presentation. It will be an open question and answer session with some hands-on examples. Bring your laptop as there is free wi-fi available at the Cafe Del Sol.

The purpose of this open forum is to answer questions and promote the spread of blogging in the Floyd area.

Experienced bloggers from a variety of fields will be there to answer questions. They will be happy to share what they have learned during the years they have been blogging.

The time and place again:

Cafe Del Sol in Floyd, VA
this morning from 11:00am to 1:00pm

Cost: Zip, Nada, Nichts,  it’s free!

But it would be a nice idea to buy lots of coffee and maybe lunch at the Cafe.
Be sure and leave something in the tip jar for the friendly staff!

If you cannot make it, you will be able to read the results on several local weblogs. We plan to repeat the forum on a weekly basis until the subject of blogging is thoroughly exhausted – or we are. 🙂

See you there!

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