Country life has a lot to recommend it

You get to hear friends perform

Bernie Coveney entertained us Friday night at the Over The Moon Cafe and Gallery in Floyd. It was a great combination of gourmet food, good wines and wonderful guitar music.

Bernie is an extremely competent guitar player, equally at home playing soft rock, bluegrass, or jazz. This evening he entertained us with Beatles and bluegrass.

We shared a table with Doug and Amy Thompson. A good time was had by all. Next time, we may be able to get some other local bloggers to join us.

You get to play with serious toys

It is very satisfying to reduce a fallen tree to firewood without a lot of effort. A chainsaw and an electric log splitter do the hard work and i just lift and carry the final product, properly-sized firewood.

I use a Husqvarna 455 Rancher Chain Saw with a 20in Bar which makes short work of the largest logs on my property. This 455 Rancher is lighter and more powerful than other saws I have used. Safety glasses and noise-cancelling headphones are a must.

This 6-Ton electric wood splitter from DR Power slices through logs up to 16” thick.

I took this log splitter right out of the box and split enough wood for a week in about an hour. It’s a no-brainer to use it. You put a log on top of the splitter, step around to the back end and control the ram with a single lever. You advance the ram to the log at high speed and drop to the lower speed to split the log.

The entire cycle takes only seconds. The pieces fall away and you put a new log on the splitter and repeat the cycle.

The instruction manual for the log splitter had more warnings than the instructions for my table saw! The manufacturer really wants you to exercise care while using this machine. The ram does not move very fast, so there must be users who are working overtime to operate this splitter in a dangerous manner.

For example, using this splitter is a one man operation, The manufacturer makes the point that two man operation is a big no-no, because it is too easy to lose a hand in the splitter. One man operation means that you have to get out of harms way in order to operate the splitter.

I had considered smaller electric splitters, but I have too many logs that are almost 15 inches in diameter. I don’t need a more powerful gas splitter because I can’t lift logs any larger than these.

I am able to use this splitter with a fifty foot cord which has 10 guage conductors. If I need to split logs at a greater distance from the house, I will need to drag my portable generator along.

You get to spend quiet time with your family

After a hard day working outside, Gretchen sat down to read the latest edition of Country Living. Buffy immediately took up a position where she could see the pictures and keep and eye on the rest of the house. Gretchen said that Buffy was purring up a storm. All must be right in her furry little world.

I hope the same is true for all of you. Have a great weekend!

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