Another milestone achieved – lights in the darkness
It was dark last night when I drove down the winding country lane that leads to our new home. In the headlights I could see that the melting snow was beginning to freeze again and the puddles in the roadway were beginning to ice over. The snowy darkness was punctuated only by lights shining from houses spread out along the road.
I was making a late run to deliver construction supplies and was thinking how nice it will be when we are living under our new roof. I was even feeling a bit wistful that we have not been able to make it happen sooner.
As I approached the last of the neighboring homes, I was startled to see the gleam of lights from our construction site. I anxiously wondered why our contractors were working so late.
As I rounded the last turn, I saw that the driveway was empty, but light was streaming from our new home and workshop! These were not construction spotlights used by our contractors, these lights meant the electricity was on and we finally had power!
Our on-site contractor had pushed himself to the limit to get everything wired up so we could have power for the long weekend. He left the lights on so we would know he had met his target!
Thanks to Bob Eich of Windy Hollow Construction, we will start the New Year with a home that we can work in at all hours. We are still surrounded by freezing mud and more work is needed before we have running water, but we have power and an Internet connection. Our dream of a quiet home in the country is one step closer to realization.
Today, we will install a mailbox and an extension on our wood stove chimney vent. Stay tuned for some important facts we learned about operating wood stoves at higher altitudes.
As we near the end of 2005, we thank you all for your support and encouragement. And, for those of you who are still struggling to put, or keep, a roof over your heads in these uncertain times, we wish you the strength to persevere and achieve success, wherever you are.
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