Download Danger Quicksand – Have A Nice Day

Free download available now!

Too many times I see people struggling with non-optimum work situations that are thoroughly covered in my book. If I could get my book into the hands of more people, I feel it might give them the edge they need to achieve a brighter future. I would like to make that happen.

I want to give more people a chance to read this unconventional guide to surviving corporate employment so they can find out what is REALLY going on at work and DO something about it.

In order to do that, I’ve set up another round of free downloads for those who would like to get some helpful career advice, but are financially strapped or live where books are prohibitively expensive.

If you are experiencing employment distress, why not download Danger Quicksand – Have A Nice Day and get your creative juices flowing again.  .

You will need high-speed internet and an Adobe reader for this 1.4mb pdf document, but you will find it to be well worth the effort.

Give the paperback version as a gift this Christmas

There are many people you know who are half-expecting to be laid off this Christmas. Instead of empty words of sympathy after they are jettisoned, why not buy them a paperback version of Danger Quicksand and send it to them now, when they can still do something to lessen the blow.

If you find yourself working out of a difficult situation at work, you might want to get yourself a paperback version of my book so you can make notes in the margins as you work your way along. A number of people have found that Danger Quicksand – Have A Nice Day makes for great occasional reading, because you can open it anywhere and find something worthwhile that you can read in five minutes. Keep this book at hand so you can read it over and over until you can think with the material and use it as your own.

Keep the book in your desk at work and read it when you take a coffee break. Sometimes all you need is a nudge to get you unstuck from a frustrating series of events. Try reading Danger Quicksand in small snatches. Read until you feel a sense of relief, then put the book down and get on with your day.

Do any of you read books in short takes?
Or, does everyone read a book from cover to cover?
I would like to know as I am looking at different book formats for the others in this series.

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