I am very thankful…

It’s been a great year, and I have a lot to be thankful for. Let me explain.

I am married to Gretchen, a talented and understanding woman who embraces change willingly and provides unstinting support while I find my way through this post-corporate life.

I have a wonderful extended family which includes my children, Gretchen’s children, all of our in-laws and outlaws, and my vast, and growing, family of online friends.

There are so many bloggers who have inspired me with their wit and wisdom that I cannot name you in one post. However, if you search for your name using the engine in the left sidebar, you will see that I have acknowledged you and your contribution. Most of you know who you are and I am extremely grateful for your interest and advice. I welcome both.

The world of blogging, which I discovered in 2003, continues to enrich my life and has begun to provide sources of income.

My first book, Danger Quicksand – Have A Nice Day, has brought me tens of thousands of readers and has opened the door to a role as purveyor of unconventional career advice.

I find new topics to blog about every week and your comments help me decide which topics are worth pursuing further. You have helped me identify five areas that are worth documenting as books or Podcasts. When the move to our new house is complete next month, I plan on getting book production into high gear.

I have gained so much from having you as friends and readers that I want to find ways to give more back. I have a few ideas which will take weeks to roll out, but I will start by beginning a new round of free downloads of Danger Quicksand – Have A Nice Day. Details to follow in another post.

This version will be identical to the paperback version and can be printed out by those who cannot read comfortably on a monitor. This free download will make my book freely available again to readers from every country on the globe. Of course, those readers who want a signed copy with a glossy cover will still be able to purchase it online.

Thank you, one and all.


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