Danger Quicksand is now on Amazon.com!

Thanks to Dwayne Melancon, I learned that my book, Danger Quicksand – Have A Nice Day, is now listed on Amazon.com!

I did not list it, but now that it is available through Amazon, I am happy to take advantage of this fortunate occurrence and to share any benefits with my readers.

You can follow this link and be among the first to review this book on Amazon. For those of you who are authors or bloggers, reviewing this book is an opportunity to get free publicity for your book or your blog.

You are also invited to share in any financial fallout from this listing. Those of you who use the Amazon referral system to recommend books to your readers can now refer people to Danger Quicksand – Have A Nice day and get a commission for doing so.

I am selling the book at the usual $19.95 price on Amazon and am actually doing the fulfillment directly, so I can sign and inscribe books as usual. This gives me the best of both worlds: exposure on Amazon.com and the ability to peresonally sign every book sold.

Thanks to whoever took the time to list my book on Amazon and write the editorial review. I am still amazed at the help I get from my friends!

Dwayne has recently switched his Genuine Curiosity site to Typepad. Drop in for his blogwarming and admire his new layout! He produces consistently interesting posts and is worth visiting often.

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