Tag Archives: FEDEX

A Cold Spell has been cast upon us

Cold Spell

Now that the global warming scam is history, many of us are scrambling to keep the home fires burning hot enough to ward off the cold.

Here in the Blue Ridge Mountains, temperatures seem to be much lower than in the nearby cities like Roanoke and Christiansburg, Maybe these are example of Urban Heat Islands which are significantly warmer than their surroundings. The town of Floyd is definitely not warmer than its surroundings.

We are burning firewood at double the usual rate in order to keep the house temperature in the 70's. I can't imagine what the people burning other fuels like propane must be going through.

Another sign that we are experiencing severely cold weather. We are
sprinkling birdseed out the door and we usually have a carpet of birds
all day long. Yesterday I saw crows feeding about 5 feet from the front
door. When they start banging on the door to let us know that the seed
is running low, we will know that the end times are near.

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