Tag Archives: fog

When thoughts wander…


We looked out at this surreal scene this morning and my first thought was "That’s what the inside of my head feels like!

Gretchen was not amused. After caring for me during my five days of illness, she succumbed today and is down with a fever.

We have been doing our best to stay focused these last several days, but it is really getting to be a chore.

After taking this shot, I managed to split and stack enough firewood to carry us through the next few days and then slept for a few hours until I felt ready to tackle paying bills and other chores.

By then Gretchen was rested enough to spend a few hours in a phone conference.

We spent the rest of the day alternating between sleeping and trying to keep our lives on schedule. This is hard to do because we find our thoughts wandering and we keep checking with each other to make sure that chores are really done.

"Did I take my medicine?"

"I’m not sure."


I know we are not alone in this effort to get through illness, but we are trying to
avoid contact with people until we can be sure that we will not be sharing whatever it is that we have. Our neighboring friends have offered to help us several times and we really appreciate it, but this is one of the few times I’ve felt it would be an unkindness to expose them to this debilitating and distracting illness.

Later in the afternoon, the rain started and has continued for about 8 hours. My hope is that all will be gone by the weekend and we can enjoy some quiet time in the sun on our back deck.

We hope that you are holding up through these stormy days of early Spring and that we can all get out soon to enjoy some good weather.

To get the full effect of what it felt like looking out into our back yard, please continue reading past the jump.

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