Are You Reaching For New Experiences Or Withdrawing?

As a spiritual being, you are always doing one or the other. You reach out to create a desirable experience and you withdraw when you experience rejection or pain.

If that sounds like the basic elements of a game, you are on the right track. From Merriam-Webster, A game is a physical or mental competition, a field of gainful activity, or an activity for amusement. The game of organic life is played by living units which are reaching or withdrawing in response to commands from spiritual influences.

Since the game of life is being played by immortal spirits, the game is unending but the pieces, players, and playing fields are constantly changing over time. As a participant, you are always reaching or withdrawing and your state of awareness determines whether you are doing either on your own determination.

When life in a body becomes too painful, we withdraw to a purely spiritual state. When life as a spirit becomes too painful we withdraw to a passive state of non-existence or being nothing. At every level of existence, the condition of the spirit is a matter of choice determined by its past experiences and by its willingness to create new effects. When a spirit no longer desires to create new effects, it is withdrawing and becoming the effect of others’ intentions.

We who are animating bodies go through a long period of unconscious reaching and withdrawing in response to environmental stimuli. When the environment is favorable, we reach out and flourish by exchanging services and goods with others. When the environment is hostile or unfavorable to exchange, we withdraw, seeking a safer, more comfortable state. When we have nothing else to exchange with others, we withdraw from that game of life and seek a new playing field and new partners.

This cycle is repeated over and over with players who master the rules of exchange achieving longer periods of reaching and higher levels of satisfaction. Spirits who understand the power of beneficial exchange create effects that last for a very long time. Spirits who create effects that others cannot experience easily find themselves experiencing counter-intention and being forced to withdraw. If you can consult your past experiences, you will discover that all of your losses and painful memories stem from creating experiences that others could not experience easily.

If you enjoy reaching out instead of withdrawing, you need to find what others are willing to experience and provide that service or product. If you cannot provide a service or product that others desire, you need to withdraw and find a new game to play.  As an immortal being, you need to exercise your power of choice and find a game that allows you to reach and create the effects you wish. If you choose wisely, you can increase your ability to reach and your abilities and satisfaction with your existence will increase.

If you withdraw from existence, there is nothing to reach for and no satisfaction. The game is over until you decide to exist again.

Join us Sunday for our online SRT workshop to see how good coaching can help you reach out for a better life instead of waiting for it to happen. Use this link to join us at 12 noon Eastern time:

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I realized this morning that reaching and withdrawing in a caring way is ALL that is required to heal yourself and others. All of the paraphernalia used by doctors and Scientologists are crutches to compensate for their inability to reach and withdraw in a caring way and perceive what is going on in the body.

Stethoscope, E-meters, X-ray machines, MRI machines, and exploratory surgery are SUBSTITUTES for our native ability to reach and withdraw in a caring and fearless way and communicate with the forces and energies that are influencing our bodies and minds.

Our workshop this Sunday will address this situation. Join us on Zoom at 12 noon Eastern time using this link:

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Could You Consider Boils As Broken Agreements?

An agreement is a manifestation of a desire to operate in harmony. When parties fall out of agreement, they operate in opposition. Does it appear that the tissues in the center of these boils are operating in harmony with the tissues surrounding them?

If you examine these images and any examples of boils on your body, you can actually sense the conflict existing between the boil tissue and the surrounding body tissue. It is at times like these that we remember odd scraps of wisdom that seem to apply in a case like this. There is a law proposed by L Ron Hubbard that seems to provide insight into how boils and other afflictions come to pass.

This law is the Third Party Law and while it was written to explain human conflict, it applies to spiritual conflict as well. Precisely stated, the law is this: “A THIRD PARTY MUST BE PRESENT AND UNKNOWN IN EVERY QUARREL FOR A CONFLICT TO EXIST.” “WHILE IT IS COMMONLY BELIEVED TO TAKE TWO TO MAKE A FIGHT, A THIRD PARTY MUST EXIST AND MUST DEVELOP IT FOR ACTUAL CONFLICT TO OCCUR.”

Every description of the formation of boils includes the presence of some outside agent which causes upset and opposition to the normal operation of the body tissues in the area that develops the unsightly condition called a boil. Identifying and removing the offending agent is necessary if complete healing is to occur.

Agents from the material universe include dirt, bacteria, and other foreign substances that disturb the relationship between the tissues in an area and other tissues surrounding them. When bacteria infect a hair follicle or an oil gland, a red, painful, pus-filled bump can form under the skin. This is known as a boil. There are many descriptions of methods to clean the boil and remove the pus-filled center. Some of these work very well. But there are boils that resist material universe treatments because they are the result of hostile intentions at work.

Our bodies are composed of millions of living cells and each cell is animated by a spiritual force which responds to intentions and emotions. When a person is surrounded by supportive beings, their emotional health is buoyed up by the positive intentions from their spiritual companions. When a person is surrounded by hostile or insane beings, their life force can be disturbed and suppressed. The legends of people dying from hateful curses are true and can be confirmed by observation of people living under suppression or in slavery.

A troubled spirit carrying images of an overwhelming incident can affect the spirit and the body of any person the troubled spirit is drawn to. This spirit is carrying the harmful energy of incidents he was never able to handle and this harmful energy affects whoever is chosen as the host of the troubled spirit.

The images carried by the troubled spirit can affect the personality of the host and these images can also affect the body of the host without the host being aware of it.

We, who have been studying Spiritual Rescue Technology have seen and experienced many instances of spiritual healing that can occur when troubled spirits are spotted and handled so they no longer harm the persons under spiritual attack. We have also seen cases where illness and injuries have been healed through caring communication with the troubled spirits causing the illnesses and body problems.

We are now seeing examples of troubled spirits upsetting existing agreements in a body, not as an intentional act, but as a consequence of the negative energy and images carried by the troubled spirit. Consider a spirit who has died in several plagues. This spirit has vivid memories which will impinge on the spirit and body of any person he associates with. He will continue to spread disaster until he is healed with Spiritual Rescue Technology.

We are just beginning to realize the scope of this healing effort and have a long way to go before we have processes that handle all cases easily. The significance of agreements and broken agreements is just beginning to become clear. The mechanisms of broken agreements require a great deal more study but we are already seeing enough progress to justify focusing on the power of agreements in creating the world we now live in. If you feel you would like to contribute to our efforts let me know and we will find ways you can help us to develop answers to some physical problems that are affecting humanity.

We will be discussing this and other matters this Sunday on Zoom at 12 noon New York time. Join our Zoom workshop if you would like to participate. Use this link:

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Locating areas of disagreements in your body can help you heal injuries and damaged areas whether they are many years old or have occurred recently.

You can test your ability to use this technology by scanning your body, with your eyes closed, and perceiving any areas of disagreement. If you are aware enough, you will turn on pains wherever a disagreement exists and you can use the information in this article to heal yourself spiritually. If you cannot turn on pains and unwanted sensations when scanning for disagreements, you will need assistance from a trained Spiritual Rescue Technology user.

I just completed a session a few minutes ago where a client had disagreements located in his hip and in his lungs. We located and disposed of the hip disagreement in a few minutes and sent the spirit producing the disagreement to a physical therapy center where he would be able to use his training to help people with injuries. The client had picked this spirit up in a hospital during his recent stay and the spirit was still trying to work on a hip that did not need his help.

The client also had spirits creating a disagreement in the area of his lungs. They were trying to do things that the body was resisting because the body did not need what the spirits were doing. The spirits were stuck in a failed healing activity of many thousands of years ago and were trying to repeat actions that the client’s body did not need. We finally got them to wake up and they left to find some animals in the wild to work with. The client experienced great relief and his breathing is now normal.

Working with disagreements and agreements in the body produces faster results than trying to locate spirits though their personal signatures. Spirits seem to recognize disagreements even when they are not very conscious and they are able to answer questions about the disagreement so that the person can help them recover and set them free.

We will be discussing this new technology in a special SRT workshop this Sunday, August 25 and will be demonstrating how to use it in solo sessions as well. Mark your calendar for a Special SRT Workshop – Handling Body Disagreements, August 25th at 12 noon eastern time.

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