SRT Rudiments Session

This is a series of processes which can be run at the beginning of an SRT session to remove obstacles to SRT processing so that the SRT user and the person they are helping can handle the major problem without any distractions. As you can see in the illlustration, every session is observed by a host of spirits in various states of awareness. If you try to run an SRT session in the presence of grumpy or grieving spirits, they will keep interrupting the session with negative comments and hostile attitudes.

If there are spirits who are heavily restimulated, but who are not the target of the current session, they can be detected and handled in a rudiments session so they do not interfere with the running of the major activity planned for the session. The rudiments questions are designed to detect all of the situations that will interfere with the purpose of the SRT session.

These questions cover the possibility that the client is not sessionable due to lack of sleep or food and the possibility that the client or any of his spirits can’t contribute to the SRT session because their attention is fixed on some past incident and it is affecting them in present time.


Thus the rudiments questions must cover physical universe issues with the client’s body as well as spiritual issues for all spirits with attention on the process. Each rudiment is taken up and handled before moving on to the next one. A workable sequence might seem like this: Body ruds including sleep, food, medicines, and comfort. Next would be upsets, present time problems, secrets, and any reasons not to proceed with the session. The actual process commands are listed for your use below.

*** Please note that an experienced SRT user will not need these rudiment questions as he or she will sense the beings with out rudiments and will ask them for an explanation of their situation and handle it before attempting to handle the client’s problems.***

Step one: SRT user meditates until he can focus on what is happening with the person he is trying to help. Then he asks the following questions until he gets a response. When that occurs, he goes on to Steps 2. and 3. After completing Step 3, the SRT user should complete the rest of the questions in Step 1 if the person is still not ready for a session..

End off on this action when the person has a win or indicates that they are ready for a session.

  1. Is it alright if I help you?
  2. Is it alright if we talk to some of the spirits who are accompanying you?
  3. Do you feel any uncertainty that I can help you?
  4. Are you upset about anything or anyone at this time/
  5. Is there a problem of any sort that you can’t take your attention off?
  6. Is there anything that you can’t let others know about?
  7. Is there anything at all that you have to hide from others?
  8. Are you under someone else’s control?
  9. Were these questions unnecessary?

Step 2: When the SRT user gets a response to any Step 1 question, they should start Step 2 and ask these 5 questions of the person they are helping.

  1. What is the emotion** connected with the question I just asked?
  2. Where is it located? Inside or outside your body?
  3. Please put your attention in the middle of that feeling and keep it there.
  4. How many beings are holding that emotion in place?
  5. Can you sense a name for this group of beings?
  6. If a name appears, introduce yourself and your purpose to the group.

Step 3: Ask the following questions of the spiritual beings accompanying the person, not the person themselves, until the spirits brighten up and feel better or leave.

  1. Is there an earlier incident which made you adopt this “emotion**” (the emotion** that was given in response to question 1 of Step 2)
  2. When did it occur?
  3. Where did it occur? If there is a long comm lag in answering, ask “On another planet or here on Earth?”
  4. What happened?
  5. Was there some confusion prior to the incident occurring?
  6. What did you do to piss them off?
  7. Did you break some agreement that you did not know about?
  8. Are you aware that you are an immortal spiritual being?
  9. Is there some place you would rather be? Help him/them locate it and go there.
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Upgrading Scientology Processes To SRT Standards

The main difference between Scientology (SCN) and Spiritual Rescue Technology (SRT) is the attention paid to the spirits participating in every counseling session. In SCN, spirits are ignored until you reach the OT levels and then you are taught to exorcise them with the OP processes. In SRT, you communicate with these spirits from the very first session.

I was reading through the Scientology HCOBs 1959-1984 and I was struck by the workarounds that were employed to overcome the problems inherent in auditing a person in the presence of a group of other spirits who are receiving the auditing commands as they are given to the preclear by the auditor.

Scientology rudiments are a far more difficult than they need to be, as the person being counseled is affected by the emotions of the spirits who are accompanying her through life. Asking the person if they have an upset of some sort strikes directly at the memories of the unhappy spirits in the preclear’s vicinity and immediately throws them back into the unhappy incident. The spirit’s emotional reactions directly affect the preclear’s body and register on the e-meter in the same way the preclear’s emotional reactions do.

The auditor might as well be saying is anyone here unhappy? The reactions he gets will come from the spirits and the preclear in front of him, but he will only address the preclear’s concerns by indicating what he thinks the upset is, based on a meter reading. The spirits who do not get handled in the session tend to react badly and cause the preclear to fail the metered exam given by the examiner after the session.

In Scientology auditing, auditors are cautioned to avoid discussing the upsets they find and to handle the upset by asking for different types of upset and on getting a meter read to indicate what the meter read. This works because the auditor’s indication is an acknowledgment to the upset being that his upset was being recognized.

In SRT, we ask if anyone is upset and then we locate the upset spiritual being and address the issue for that upset spirit. If there are more spirits responding to the original question, we locate them and handle their upset also. We do not need meters to measure spiritual responses as our counselors are able to perceive disembodied spirits and respond to them directly.

The primary shortcoming of Scientology auditing is the ignoring of disembodied spirits during normal Grade Chart auditing. The process questions are usually well constructed and if they were extended to cover the needs of the spirits attached to the preclear they would be far more effective. There are a great number of SCN processes that deal with everyday problems that would be far more effective if they were expanded to account for our disembodied spiritual partners.

I am planning to create a number of handbooks to provide additional processes for SRT counselors so they will have tools to improve the ability of the beings who are helping them daily. Those of you who have benefited from the Scientology Grades may be able to see how running upgraded processes on your helpful spirits can make them more effective and more stable.

These upgraded processes can be run on people new to SRT to address their upset, problems, and things they have done they regret. The material will be posted online and will be freely downloadable. The SRT users with Scientology auditing experience may wish to participate in this project. It will give you a chance to put your hard-earned skills to work again.

A final note: The spirits who affect you daily and make your life difficult are ignored by Scientology but are the main target of a Spiritual Rescue Technology session.

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Making Sense Of Your Dreams

Science has been fascinated by dreams for many years and is still doing research to this very day. Dreams are thoughts and science has spent a lot of time trying to locate the parts of the brain where dreams originate. Science has done a fairly good job of documenting the content of dreams but not so well in interpreting what they mean and how to control them. This is probably because not many scientists know where thoughts originate in the first place.

Thoughts are a spiritual activity, which can be easily proven by anyone who is able to communicate with spirits. When our bodies sleep, our dreams are provided by our memories or by the memories of other spirits. These are the same thoughts and images that are provided by our spiritual companions during waking hours, but are usually ignored because our attention is on our daily activities.

There are spirits trying to communicate with us all day, every day, and some of them take the opportunity to communicate when we are not distracted by everyday activities. The content of the dreams depend on the intentions of the spirits involved. Some dreams are interactive and quite conversational when the sleeping person is aware that she or he is in communication with a spirit who has something to say.

Some dreams are like performances with spirits producing dramas for the sleeper to experience. These kind of dreams often repeat as the spirits are trying to describe a memory they cannot get rid of. The person dreaming may find themselves playing a part in the drama and trying to achieve a resolution of some sort or they may be a passive spectator watching the drama unfold.

I have found myself trying to use abilities in a dream that I no longer have in present day life. The exercise of these abilities is quite real and the problems associated with the use of these abilities in modern life make the dream sequences quite complicated. It is very real to me that our behavior in past lives has resulted in our shutting down many abilities that were socially undesirable. A dream involving use of certain paranormal abilities in a present-day environment requires lots of corrective actions to get a satisfactory result. You might be inclined to say that there is a common agreement that super powers are not welcome in current society and any use of these violates an unwritten agreement that will rebound against the user of such powers.

I have also found myself working out problems during certain dreams and the other parties in the dreams provided suggestions and criticisms while the dream proceeded. Some of these other players were familiar to me from other problem-solving sessions during my waking hours. My greatest interaction with spirits occurs while writing articles and we have developed a working relationship that makes writing original copy effortless. Most of this activity occurs during my waking hours, but I have experienced the same synergistic activity during my dreams.

When you understand your relationship with spirits, you are in a position to make sense of your dreams and to capitalize on your interaction with the spirits involved. You are not limited to being a spectator in your dreams, you can participate and get solutions to problems you never expected to encounter.

Spirits are an endless source of information. You just have to be willing to communicate with them.

I am considering hosting a workshop on dreams, both daydreams and sleepy-time dreams, to explore how they can be useful for increasing productivity. I would like to hear your comments.

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Kinder Ways To Get A Spirit To Recognize Their Responsibility For Their Present Condition

Any being who can recognize what they have done to create the mess they are in can change that mess into an opportunity for success. Beings, in or out of bodies, who cannot recognize the mistake they made, are stuck in hopelessness or have to blame others for the sorry state they are in. In either of these latter states, the being has no hope of recovering from this state unaided.

We have found that helping a being to recognize what confusion existed and what mistake was made as a result will help the being to regain control of his life and move on. The recovery is almost instant even when the hopeless condition has existed for many, many years.

Not all confusion and resulting mistakes will cause a being to become hopeless, only those where the being is not prepared to take responsibility for breaking agreements by his actions.

An agreement is basically an arrangement as to a course of action. You are or have been party to many agreements in your past and very few of them were ever documented. As a child, you were expected to behave in a particular manner at home or in school. At work, you are expected to behave in a particular way in terms of production, attendance, and behavior toward others. As a citizen, you are expected to behave in an appropriate manner depending on a number of factors.

Since most of the finer details of your agreements are not defined in writing, only by past behavior, it is entirely possible that other members of your family, school, or other groups have different understandings of what the group agreement covers. People often discover unvoiced parts of the group agreement when they embark on new adventures and get reprimanded or punished for violating an agreement they never knew existed.

Some of the unvoiced parts of group agreements are hatred of certain other groups or beliefs and a violent aversion to some behaviors that are never discussed publicly. A child developing a friendly relationship with a child of other beliefs or racial backgrounds can discover that they have broken an agreement they never knew existed. People of all ages can discover a cause that they wish to support and discover that their dearest friends and family now consider them to be deranged or actual traitors.

People who spent their lives helping others have been burnt at the stake or crucified because it was considered that they broke agreements that were vitally important to others. The group had decided from past experience that certain activities were dangerous to the group and forbade any group member from doing this kind of activity. When some adventurous person comes along and observes for themselves that this activity is actually beneficial and does it freely, this will galvanize the group into punishing the foolhardy individual.

When the punishment is sufficiently severe, the offender cannot recover from that memory and their attention remains stuck on the incident from then on. Depending on the severity of the punishment, the humiliation and loss can persist for many lifetimes and the person is never quite the same again because a portion of his life force has been captured in that incident as long as he has attention on it.

Their attention is stuck on the punishment and the apparent unfairness of it all. Directing the person’s attention to the existence of an agreement and the confusion that caused the person to break the agreement will release the person from their fixation on the incident and allow them to see their contribution to the incident. If they are willing to look at the sequence of events, their attention is freed and they recover their ability to create a future. If they are not willing to look at the sequence of events, even with caring communication and skillful counseling, there are probably earlier incidents of a similar nature that will require investigation.

We have found that a person introduced to the true facts of a painful incident will almost always find relief in seeing how they caused the incident to happen. This also provides them with an understanding of how to handle future incidents of a similar nature. One of the benefits of resolving painful incidents like these described is the increased awareness of the agreements we are likely to break when adopting new ideas.

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