Recent Wins Using Spiritual Rescue Technology

I have experienced gains in my spiritual abilities because I use SRT in my daily life and while doing spiritual counseling, but I am completely blown away when my clients demonstrate abilities I have not yet attained!

One of my clients wanted to help me with a problem I have not been able to address, but he was in an automobile and on a trip that would take several hours. He had the feeling he should be able to help me if we could text SRT commands back and forth rather than do a session on Zoom. Since I trust his perceptions and his communications about them, I agreed to have him help me in this new way.

I described my problem and the feelings that accompanied it and he gave me his perceptions of the spirits acting on my body. Once he described what he perceived, I could see the spirits clearly although they had been invisible to me before that moment. I have described this phenomenon before and it seems that if someone puts their attention on something, that action illuminates what they are perceiving, even if it was invisible before. Perhaps it is his image I am seeing, rather than my own, but I could see the image change as the process developed and I could feel relief that matched the changes in the image I could perceive.

We exchanged messages about the spirit cluster that was positioned behind my left shoulder blade and down my back. Although I could see the image of the cluster, he was the person who was communicating with it and I could only see the cluster’s reactions at first. I was truly a spectator in this session and my client was performing the spiritual counseling and handling all of the communication with the spirits in the cluster.

The pace of the session was quite relaxed since I had time to reflect on the messages he sent me and time to think before I responded. It seemed to me that the session pace was more favorable to change since there was no hurry to respond as there is during a “live” session.

At the same time, it seemed that I had to take more responsibility for my part in the session as there were fewer hints on what to look for. I felt I had to continually keep my attention on the cluster to support what my client was doing with it. This may be because my client runs a session differently than I do. I tend to spot when a client’s attention is wandering from the spirits we are working on.

This was a first for me and I want to report that a session performed with texting alone produced a satisfactory result in very little time. The cluster moved away and the symptoms that it had caused vanished, leaving me feeling much better and eager to try more of these sessions when possible.

I want to summarize my findings about texting a session to give you some confidence in using this method for yourself. If the person being helped can see the spirits, the session will be no different than a session using live, spoken communication. The person running the session texts the questions to the person being the client and the client communicates with the spirits and texts their responses back to the counselor. The session proceeds at a relaxed pace until the spirits are freed from the incident they are trapped in. I think you will find that these sessions are easy to do. I encourage users of SRT to experiment using texted sessions as they can be very useful when internet problems make video communication difficult. Some of you may wish to try texted solo sessions to produce records of what happened in the session.

For those of you who have not read my books, I suggest you download and study them. You will find them at this link:

If you would like to connect with my client and experience his ability for yourself, send me an email at

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Some Simpler Definitions For Spiritual Rescue Technology

I have been defining SRT as a collection of observations of the spiritual universe, but events of the past few days have opened my eyes to the existence of simpler definitions that could be understood by people whose awareness is limited to the material universe.

SRT provides the tools you need to remove a major unseen barrier to progress. SRT allows a user to spot and remove attention that is fixed on some terrible past experience whether the attention is their own or someone else’s. With SRT, you can wake a person up and enable them to use their full abilities, perhaps for the first time. With SRT, a person can be more alive than they have ever been in years. It is truly a technology for rescuing spirits from harmful, distracting memories. SRT unlocks your full potential as a spiritual being.

We have all seen people who seem to be spiritually absent as they go through life. They seem to be in a daydream with only the slightest amount of attention free to focus on what they are doing or supposed to be doing. Some people even seek to be put in that state with drugs or liquor because everyday life seems painful or boring. Spiritual Rescue Technology addresses the causes of this disassociation and handles them easily.

Dissociation concerns a wide array of behaviors, ranging from a mild emotional detachment from immediate surroundings to a more severe disconnection from physical and emotional experiences. It can be a normal response to trauma, hypnosis, or drugs, and the incidents involved can have occurred in earlier lifetimes as well as in this one. SRT enables the repair of disorders stemming from events that ordinary medical procedures can’t touch.

If you wish to help people, you will find that Spiritual Rescue Technology will even address problems that are left over from earlier lifetimes. That may be a lot to confront, but once you study SRT, you will realize that the problems people face are far more complex than what is usually believed. Fortunately, the solution to these problems involves caring communication with the individuals involved in creating the problems and discovering the mis-estimation of efforts that created the problems when they originally occurred.

Almost all upsets stem from someone creating an effect that others could not experience easily. This generates a counter-intention that can fracture a relationship or even escalate to an all-out war between nations. Since the people involved are immortal spirits, these upsets can persist indefinitely as areas of fixed attention that do not resolve over time. Ghosts will carry grudges for millennia and they bring those feelings to everyone they associate with. Caring communication with the beings involved allows those involved to recognize their responsibility for creating the counter-intention and enables them to let go of the incident that has held them in thrall for so long. When a person recognizes their responsibility for what happened, they can finally take their attention off it and operate fully in present time.

This happens every day when using Spiritual Rescue Technology and enables all involved to experience relief and regain the life force that has been tied up in agonizing over the problem. In other words, Spiritual Rescue Technology makes spirits more alive and changes their ability to create a desired future.

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SRT Workshop Tomorrow – Sunday 6-23-24

We are going to show you how to use teamwork to handle body problems that can’t be handled otherwise. I consider myself to be quite effective in using SRT to handle my body problems, but I have had a spiritual problem that would not go away no matter how much time I spent doing solo sessions.

I asked another SRT user to assist me and he was able to communicate with beings who were invisible to me and he was able to illuminate these beings by putting his attention on them. Once he lit them up with his attention, I could make out what they were doing and finally was able to get in communication with them.

We will be doing some instruction to give you the tools to perceive spirits who are totally unreal to us who are living here on earth. Then we will be doing exercises until you can illuminate spirits for each other. The workshop will start at 12 noon Eastern Time and the link you use to join the Zoom session is:

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Our Bodies Are Far More Complicated Than Any Machine Ever Created

Our human bodies are far more complicated than any machine in existence. What makes matters worse, is that the existing instructions for operation and maintenance of bodies are woefully incomplete. We rely on folklore and rotely trained experts to guide us in handling living matter which is affected by energies and intentions that modern science considers to be imaginary.

We, who use Spiritual Rescue Technology, have demonstrated time and time again that intentions affect body tissue and these intentions can come from spirits other than ourselves. Controlling a mass of living cells that are partially under the influence of other beings is a risky but necessary business.  Let’s take a look at the magnitude of our task.

Human beings are complex multicellular organisms made up of trillions of cells. Scientists estimate that the adult human body contains around 37 trillion human cells and 200 different cell types. The human microbiota (a collection of microorganisms found primarily in the gut) consists of a further 10-100 trillion microbial cells. From the Biology Dictionary

We are fortunate to be able to control our body motions enough that we can operate machinery, feed ourselves, and act in coordination with other bodies. We have very little direct control of our internal body functions and we have to hope for the best when our digestive system or nervous system acts up.

Since most of us do not know how our intentions control our bodies, we have no reason to understand how intentions from others can influence or even control our bodies. Very few people can perceive spirits and most of these have no idea how many spirits surround us and affect us. On this planet alone, I can easily imagine that there is a googolplex of disembodied spirits. A googol is a 1 with 100 zeros, and a googolplex is a 1 with a googol of zeros.

Fortunately for us, most of these spirits are in no shape to affect us because their cause level has been lessened to the point where they are unaware they are spirits and are barely existing as memories of some past event. There are still billions of spirits who can influence us if we attempt to reach out to them and contact them or do some activity that attracts them.

If you look at these spirits as a resource and learn how to communicate with them and use their knowledge, there is no obstacle you cannot overcome.

I have spent the past 14 years teaching clients to how work with spirits and have documented our observations in my books and my articles. If this information indicates to you, and you would like some instruction, send me an email at

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