Can You Envision Yourself Entertaining Spirits?

Some of us have learned how to do this and it is the most fun we have had in years. When we are creating, we attract beings who want to observe and possibly contribute to our creation. It is just another example of the law of attraction at work and you can test this for yourselves if you wish.

The law of attraction states that like attracts like and when you create remarkable works of music, art, or even text, you will get assistance in the form of suggestions and inspiration from the spirits you have attracted. When you recognize their presence and acknowledge their assistance, they are inspired to continue their contributions. When you allow yourself to operate in this manner, there is a magical feeling that you can accomplish anything you wish and it is effortless!

This magical cooperation dos not occur in a vacuum. Those who tend to shout at spirits in order to have them comply will never experience the effortless flow of creation that occurs when spirits are carrying much of the load of creating something totally new from intention alone.

There has to be a caring relationship between you and the spirits who are helping you and this is helped if you understand what a spirit needs and wants that you are able to supply. When you learn to work with spirits and you are willing to let them help you create, you give them a purpose and a responsibility and you are making them a part of your team. This grants them importance and raises their morale.

Many disembodied spirits have attention stuck in some past incident and are4 essentially drifting through time with no real connection to present day activities. If you have ever spent hours scrolling through Facebook or browsing Instagram, you will have some idea how disembodied spirits with no purpose spend their time.

If you are aware of spirits and understand their capabilities, you will make use of their assistance wherever possible. After all they are immortal and have done everything you can imagine, so attracting spirits to help you learn the Zither or construct a flying hoverboard are tasks that only require you to put your attention on them and ask spirits for the help you need.

When you approach spirits in a caring way and find out what they need and want in order to help you, you will find your abilities expanding faster then you can imagine. You can help them and they can help you. This is a non-stop activity and I can testify that it only requires a sincere desire to accumulate spiritual helpers as part of your team and a willingness to view them as partners in your endeavors.

If this is a new concept for you, I suggest you get started by reading my book, Talking To Spirits, available on and available as a PDF download here:

Once you have had a chance to review my books and articles, you may wish to get started on working with spirits yourself. If you would like some assistance, and wish to arrange for a free introductory session, send me an email at

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The Law Of Attraction Indicates When Counseling Will Not Work For You

The law of attraction is the universal principle that states like attracts like. You can observe for yourself that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person’s life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. In other words, a positive mindset will attract more success and happiness than a negative one. You will also observe that this applies to all areas of life.

When you get effective counseling, your spirits rise and you end a counseling session revitalized. If your worries return by the next day and your gains have disappeared, you can feel that the counseling has failed. Some people go through this cycle with every counselor and counseling method they try, while others seem to experience permanent change after effective counseling.

What do you think makes the difference in these distinctly different results? Some may say it shows a change in responsibility while others may say it is a matter of expectations. Regardless of how you label it, counseling success depends on the willingness of the subject to change what they are doing.

After observing hundreds of counseling sessions, I can almost predict who will benefit permanently from counseling and who will be waiting to see what happens and will report disappointing results.

If things are not going well in your life, you are doing things that attract negative responses from others. When you seek counseling and obtain a release from your worries and pains, during that session you are doing activities that free you from negative responses.

If you do not immediately begin operating in a new and different way from what you have been doing in the past, you will continue to attract the negative thoughts and actions you were attracting before. Your gains from your session will disappear within days, perhaps even hours. The person who receives counseling as a spectator is not having cognitions or realizations that he will put into action. He is a passive observer who is waiting for something good to happen to him as a result of the session. He is not doing anything as a result of his counseling session, he is calmly waiting for something to change in his life.

Counseling removes the barriers to change, it does not produce the change. A person receiving counseling is wasting his time and money if he expects the counselor to turn him into a different person. Counseling will give you a new outlook on life, but you need to use that new outlook to change what you are doing. Removing barriers to your expansion will do nothing if you are sitting there waiting for something wonderful to happen.

The only way you can be sure the barriers are gone is by doing things you could not do before. Those who have great wins from counseling recognize that old barriers are missing and they act swiftly to take advantage of their new freedoms. If you are constantly operating at the limits of your abilities and you receive effective counseling, you will immediately know that you can now do more with less effort. Effective counseling allows you to do more, but you will not experience this unless you are actively using your new abilities.

Counseling removes the barriers to change, it does not produce the change. You change and you attract positive results from those you deal with.

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Advanced Spiritual Healing Demonstrated In SRT Workshop #11

If you are feeling depressed, suicidal, angry, manic, or just continuously tired, you probably have spirits messing with you under the mistaken idea that they are helping you.

You can block out their emotions and upsetting images with medically prescribed drugs, but the relief is only temporary and the problems will return when you fail to take the drugs on time.

Or, you can communicate with these troubled spirits, handle their trauma, and set them free from the incidents that have trapped them. By doing this you will restore their free will and you will end the symptoms that their suffering has caused you.

At any given moment in time there are spirits affecting your behavior, your emotions, and your health. With Spiritual Rescue technology you can either learn to work with them and use their skills and advice to better your life or you can free yourself from the influence of spirits who are opposing you for some reason.

In this workshop, we cover the relationship of spiritual activity to the health of your body and your behavior and we demonstrated a caring way to handle spiritually caused impulses to commit suicide.

The video of this workshop can be found at this link:
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Prayer Produces Results…

Prayer invokes support from higher powers and it works because spirits responds to the prayer and help the person requesting aid. You truly get the results you pray for, so you need to be careful how you pray. These higher power spirits can have a powerful effect on the lives of those who pray and the effects depend on the spirits responding to the prayers. All of this is absolutely true and can be observed by the behavior of those who appeal to a higher power for assistance. Their behavior is determined by the spirits responding to the prayers.

If a Christian prays to an angel, their behavior will be determined by the character of the angel. If a Muslim prays to a saint, their behavior will reflect the qualities of the saint. A Satanist venerates a being they consider the Devil and their behavior reflects the character of this being. Druids worshiped various gods and their behavior reflects the character of those they worshiped. In every case I have mentioned, those who worship a brutal god behave differently than those who worship a loving god.

Spiritual beings are real and each have unique personalities and histories. When they respond to a request for help, their assistance will reflect their history and character. Their response to requests for help is determined by the law of attraction. Thus their response to prayer or a ritual is determined by the type of energy the requester puts out. The law of attraction means that you can attract positive or negative things into your life through your thoughts and actions. It relies on the theory that everything is made up of energy, so the type of energy you put out will come back to you.

The law of attraction explains why these following situations occur. When you make an effort to remain positive, you attract beings who are interested in helping you be more positive. If you are stuck in revenge or in some state of misery, you will attract spirits who will help you achieve revenge or will sympathize with you in your misery. If you are creating in some way, you will attract spirits who are eager to help you create. It does not matter whether you are creating art, music, fashions, architecture, or writing novels, you will have spirits aiding you and feeding you ideas. Whether you pray for assistance or meditate or merely reach out and communicate, you can enlist spirits who will aid you in your efforts. The emotion you put out determines the kind of assistance you will get from spirits, Happy, creative emotions pull in happy spirits. Hatred and thoughts of revenge will pull in spirits who will provide you with destructive ideas to carry out your plans. In other words, you get the kind of help you pray for.

In Spiritual Rescue Technology, we communicate with various spirits every day. Our communications are more like conversations than prayers or invocations, but the results are similar. We can recruit spirits to help us and we can help spirits who are stuck in the past and restore their free will. Our relationship with spirits is more on a familiar basis where we find ways to exchange with them rather than just seek aid from them. The singular difference with SRT is that we consider spirits of all kinds as immortal beings capable of varying degrees of power and responsibility.

We can contact higher level beings as well as beings who have been brought low by their past actions. Basically, when an immortal being makes a mistake that generates counter-intention, that counter-intention can capture their attention for millions of years. A being’s life force is the energy behind attention, so every time a being has attention stuck on an unfortunate mistake, some portion of their life force remains captured in that incident. It takes a long time for a godlike being to lose enough life force to end up homeless in San Francisco, but the unfortunate truth is that every broken individual and ordinary citizen was once far more powerful. SRT offers a way to rescue these beings and return them to a greater state.

We SRT users are also able to discern the motives and intentions of the spirits we engage with. This is quite different from those who pray for assistance from a higher level being. If you pray for assistance from a Christian being, you may get a being with prejudices against unaligned spirits or spirits from other faiths. Spirits with histories in certain faiths have likes and dislikes and these will be played out when the person they are helping encounter nonbelievers. The person helped by the spirits will find themselves violently opposed to nonbelievers, even when they know nothing of the true nature of the nonbelievers actions and abilities. I encountered such a spirit controlling a normally sociable Catholic woman and it continues to affect her relationship with those who are not churchgoers.

Prayers produce results, but the believer can acquire results they did not ask for, like hatred or disdain of alternate belief systems. When you encounter a pious religious person who rages at a spiritualist, you are seeing the effects of a spiritual companion/advisor with an unexpected bias. The being acting as an Angel advising the pious person is possibly a former priest of the Inquisition. When you ask for help, you get help from beings who feel affinity for you and they can have agendas that differ from yours in some respects. Spirits affect us in many different ways. When you get help from a higher level being, you need to make sure their help does not come with unexpected side effects.

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