Our home away from home

When we travel to Floyd, we take great pleasure in staying at Betty Lineberry’s Eagle’s Wings Estate on Christiansburg Pike. It has everything we look for in accommodations far from home. This hilltop bed and breakfast offers stunning views of surrounding farmland, country elegance, and Betty’s incredible hospitality.Eagleswingsestate

Betty’s breakfasts are both delicious and entertaining. She has a wealth of information for those who need it. We are newcomers to Floyd and we treasure her counsel about people to rely on and who to see to get certain things done. We never fail to sally forth refreshed and energized after breakfast at the Eagle’s Wings Eastate.

There is a competitive edge that a great bed and breakfast has over the best hotel accommodations available. You get local knowledge and helpful advice, plus you soon feel like family. Whenever we return to Betty’s bed and breakfast, we get caught up on the latest news and local doings. When we have a home of our own in Floyd, we will have to arrange a way to have breakfast at the Eagle’s Wings Estate so we can stay caught up on the news.

Thank you Betty, for another great weekend!

For those who wish to contact Betty, here is a map and other details.

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