March has arrived

March0105_1It’s a bright and beautiful morning, especially if you are looking at it from inside a well-insulated office. As you can see, the temperature is still below freezing.

We have at least six inches of solidly frozen snow. It’s icy on the nearby roads, but we are going to make a morning run to Charlottesville in the Subaru. The big Dodge van is helpless on days like this. Once it gets moving, it is a heart-stopper trying to control it.

This may not seem like much snow to those of you who live in the
colder parts of the country, but we don’t have fleets of snowplows like
those that roam the highways in New England.

Most of the snowplows we see here are pickup trucks with blades
mounted on the front bumpers. For heavy-duty snow removal, they seem to
pull in front-loaders which leave huge piles of snow in downtown
parking lots. These winter leftovers often last into late April.

Today is my day to select a printer and wrap up the final cover design for the book.

I am also hoping to recover my laptop from Gravity’s Edge. I
realized yesterday that all of my graphic designs and text are on the
laptop, with no backups anywhere else. What was I thinking?

My first action on retrieving the laptop will be to heave a sigh of relief and then back up everything I have on it.

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