The Freedom for Virginians Act website is up

FFVA header image web Freedom For Virginians Act (FFVA)

The Freedom For Virginians Act (FFVA) is a proposed piece of state legislation that allows the Commonwealth of Virginia to become a bastion of freedom and protect the citizens of this Commonwealth from unconstitutional Federal mandates.

We heard a presentation on this important piece of legislation during the last Floyd Tea Party meeting.

The Constitution lays out exactly the role of the Federal Government. They are call enumerated powers. If the Constitution doesn’t designate powers to the Federal Government, the states and the people have those rights (under the 9th and 10th Amendments to the Constitution.)

The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia is very clear on two key points: Virginia is a sovereign Republic and that the Commonwealth has a duty to protect its citizens from oppression. This gives the state the right to intercede on behalf of Virginians when the Federal Government oversteps its Constitutional powers and the duty to act to protect the citizens from unconstitutional Federal mandates.

There will be many more discussions on this and you will want to help spread the word once you understand why it is so important to our future.

To learn more about this project visit

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