Blogging in Vermont

It started snowing as we crossed the border into Vermont and by the time we arrived at our destination, it was accumulating on the ground.

We made our way through freezing winds and snow to the warmth and hospitality of Shearer Hill Farm. This Vermont bed & breakfast offers home made scones… and delightful conversation…in the casual ambience of a 220-year-old farmhouse.

Bill and Patti Pusey run this B&B and are the kind of grandparents that generations of children drove across the river and through the woods to visit in ages past. As a matter of fact, we just missed meeting their 31 children and grandchildren who had visited them over the Christmas weekend.

I found Shearer Hill Farm on the internet and was completely sold as soon as I saw the reference to home-made scones. My tastes in B&Bs are heavily weighted toward good food and conversation. The pleasures of elegant estates with period furniture, sleigh rides and tours to nearby sights of interests are lost on me.

Give me a warm kitchen and a sunny breakfast room and the rest can take care of itself.

The Puseys have been doing the B&B thing for 15 years and they manage the delicate balance of making you feel welcome without overwhelming you with attention.  If you were to recall the best weekend you ever spent with your family, you will have some idea of what it is like to stay at Shearer Hill Farms.

Once we got settled in, Patti and I started discussing marketing, which led to blogging, of
course, and somehow got onto Chernobyl, which I have written about

Her son Damien, has a great interest in Chernobyl, had married a
girl from Belarus and had changed his career to become certified as a
Dosimetrist to help cancer patients. She checked out this site and sent
him links to Elena’s photo tour of Chernobyl.

Patti is interested in raising the Google rank of her B&B
website. Since she has an interest in writing, I am encouraging her to
begin a weblog about life at the farm and the nearby Vermont towns, and
link it to her B&B site.

I truly hope she does. We will have something special to look forward to, in addition to her home-made scones.

Did I mention that I am partial to scones?

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