The first day is the hardest…

It’s cold and rainy today and the weather report doesn’t look so good.

There is a certain attraction to the idea of holing up inside where it is warm and dry and watching DVDs I haven’t seen yet, but my ideal scene writeup is already kicking up some activity.

That is one of the side benefits (or curses) of making predictions that work. They often start immediately.

I have some customers to talk with, some projects to finish in the shop, and some new ideas to try out. I will tackle all of these now before the weather gets any worse and the power goes out.

Hurricane Isabel weakened many more trees than we thought. Every storm since Isabel, even light ones, causes more trees to fall. This is something I have not seen before. Almost every week, we see more trees hanging on phone and power lines and nearby forests are littered with new fallen trees. As a result, there are many more power outages than ever before.

We are even considering an auxiliary power generator for the first time in our lives.

Be that as it may, I am burning daylight here and I must get going.

I hope you can make good use of this first Friday in 2004, because this year, like the last one, will be over before we know it. Happy New Year….

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