There is more to be seen at 4805 Pearl Rd in Cleveland Ohio, the headquarters location of Data Knight 365 aka Power Direct Marketing.
The building shown in my previous post seems to be part of a three building office complex. It is not an anonymous storefront as it originally appeared. Instead it is the kind of office complex that many small businesses occupy before they are large enough to build their own building.
This is the view from the front of the building:
And this is how it looks from a satellite:
So they may occupy a little or a lot of this three-building complex.
Here is another view, this time from across the parking lot in back of the building:
From this vantage point it could be any of a thousand small marketing companies scrambling for a piece of the market. It does not look like a company that runs data centers, but there may be more to their portfolio than is visible at this distance.
Having been personally involved in mergers and acquisitions, I would suggest a thorough investigation of this companies finances and enter into many discussions with their existing customers before announcing grand plans for building new buildings and investing $25,000,000 in Floyd.
The most troubling thing about this company is the lack of corporate and executive visibility on the Internet. Most marketing companies fill pages on a Google search. This one doesn't. Perhaps I am not searching on the right key words, but they do not seem to fit the profile of a successful data center/marketing company.
If anyone has direct experience with Power Direct Marketing or Data Knight 365, send me an email so I can fill in the gaps.
Those who are following this story should read Doug Thompson's latest article on the people involved in Data Knight 365.
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