Using Spiritual Rescue Technology Can Change A Person’s Reality – Use With Care

If you change a person’s stable data without giving them something to replace it, you can cause lasting damage to your relationship with that person. Some people have constructed a reality of what life is like and they cling to this reality as the stable data which gives them certainty. In some extreme cases, they will violently resist any attempt to introduce any changes to the reality they have constructed and cling to.

If they have been successful in constructing a life around their chosen reality, they can view any chance of introducing a new reality as very dangerous indeed. Lets say the person is an overachiever and has become wealthy and highly successful in a competitive field like corporate management. This person may view any introduction of alternate rules for success as a threat to his very existence, especially if he exhibits Obsessive-compulsive behavior. The person has achieved success by following a pattern of behavior and is unable to discern what parts of the pattern are vital and what can be discarded, so the person continues with everything to keep on being successful.

Only when a person can recognize that he or she is in a ruin, can he be desperate enough to try something new. Recognizing a ruin is not a simple matter and a person usually has to become desperate before they will seek help.

Recognizing that you are stuck in a ruin usually means that you are willing to change your reality for something better. However, some people stuck in a ruin just keep working harder and harder, figuring that is the only way to get out of the situation they are in.

If you are going to help someone with SRT, you need to use caring communication and truly understand the reality they are experiencing. Then you have the challenging job of getting them to understand the reality of what is happening to them.

This is where getting them to the point where they will read one of my books is essential. Any of the books will introduce them to the possibility that there is a SRT reality that will work for them. Then there is the matter of getting them to focus long enough that they will request a session and actually participate in a session. A single session is often enough to open them up to the possibility that they can be helped, but it is not a certainty.

They have often accumulated enough broken spirits that they are resistant to help and this is where education comes in. They have to be brought to the point where they realize what their first dynamic consists of and why they will be unstable until they learn to recognize spiritual influences and take responsibility for their state of mind.

Until a person is familiar with all of the 31 plus segments of their first dynamic, they are susceptible to being overwhelmed by negative emotions, random doubts, and baseless fears. Once they can identify the sources of these unwanted emotions and ideas, they can make steady progress toward true free will.

The final stage is when the person accepts his role as conductor of his spiritual companions and their performance and is able to create the future he desires without effort.

We are going to discuss this and other matters this Sunday, 1-12-2020 at 12 noon on Zoom. Use this link:

There is a $10 donation for the webinar, and if you have not already paid, please use this link:

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