Floyd’s Shop Local Campaign picks up speed

The Floyd Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a SHOp LOcal campaign (SHOLO) in conjunction with the Floyd Press. The purpose of this campaign is to highlight local businesses each week to make their goods and services better known in the community.

Shop Local campaigns have produced positive results in communities all across the United States. I am very pleased that our Floyd Chamber of Commerce is doing its part in promoting sustainable economic development at the grassroots level.

Each week the Chamber of Commerce runs an ad like the one shown here and the Floyd Press does a feature story on the local business.

This week (April 9 to April 15) the campaign features Floyd Custom Framing and we are very pleased to be a part of this community effort to boost our local economy.

The mascot for this campaign is a Buffalo named SHOLO.

Each week, SHOLO will stay at a different Floyd County business, where SHOLO's fans can visit SHOLO and enter a drawing for a $25 gift certificate.

This week, the campaign highlights Floyd Custom Framing. You may enter a drawing for a $25 gift certificate and you can do it all online. This gift certificate is good until used and can be applied to any goods and services provided by Floyd Custom Framing.

Go to the Floyd Custom Framing website and learn about the gift certificate drawing and our new 10% discount online shopper coupon.

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