Look for Sarah Palin interview with Charles Gibson

Abc_gibson_080904_blog_2Veteran newscaster and blogger Charles Gibson will be interviewing Sarah Palin on ABC’s World News Tonight later this week.

Sarah_palinRepublican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has agreed to sit down with Gibson later this week for her first television interview since the Republican Convention.

According to McCain adviser Mark Salter, Palin will sit down for multiple interviews with Gibson in Alaska over two days, most likely Thursday and Friday.

The interview is a coup for Gibson, who also had the only sit-down with McCain during the Republican National Convention.

I and a few million other voters will be watching this one. It should be entertaining and hopefully will give us more understanding of what motivates Sarah. Both interviewer and interviewee are a pleasure to watch anytime. Seeing them interacting will be enjoyable.

(image credits: Palin, Gibson)

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