We are spiritual beings, but the health and energy level of our body become a primary concern as we age. We may find ourselves spending much of our time and money getting repairs and adjustments from traditional medical resources without attaining any confidence that we can resume life as before. Our attention becomes more fixed on the limitations we face than on the things we do to enjoy life.

This is not helped by the quantities of painkillers we may take daily to lessen the pains routinely experienced as we age. People are taking quantities of Ibuprofen, Tylenol, aspirin, and alcohol, every day to lessen the physical and emotional pain of everyday life. We, who communicate with spirits daily, should be aware that many of the pains we experience are being picked up from the spirits accompanying us through life, but we forget and assign them to more mundane causes.

I talk to clients daily and see them change from tired professionals, stoically ignoring the discomforts of their current state, to energized individuals eager to take on the challenges of the day after less than an hour of spiritual healing. We are thousands of miles apart but our interaction enables them to increase their life force to an amazing degree, just by addressing the concerns of the spirits affecting them and their bodies.

After 14 years of researching spirits while developing Spiritual Rescue Technology, I continue to be amazed at the degree to which the material universe and the health of our bodies are affected by the state of our spiritual companions. When they are in bad shape, things go wrong and our bodies have crippling aches and pains stemming from incidents they are reliving. When we are able to keep our spiritual companions in a cheerful and productive state, life is so pleasant that we forget the upsets of the past and live happily in the present moment.

The purpose of this workshop is to raise the awareness of participants to the actual sources of their current discomforts and disabilities so they will be able to take action themselves to increase their health and energy levels. Being stoic in the face of emotional and physical pain is not necessary if you understand the role spirits play in affecting your health. SRT processes are easily learned, and for the most part, can be used by the person themselves to handle spiritually caused illness and other disabilities.

If a person wishes to cut down on the painkillers and other medications they are using to survive, they should investigate what happens when they learn to recognize and handle spiritual influences. Sickness and disabilities are not a normal situation. Participants in this workshop will get the opportunity to recognize spiritual influences and how to address and handle them.

Join me on Sunday, February 18th at 12 noon EST for a workshop that may change your outlook on life. Use this link to join the Zoom conference: 

The workshop is free but if this is your first visit, you should prepare yourself by reading, Talking To Spirits, available on Amazon or as a free download here: 

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