More Country Living

The weather was warm for a change and we took advantage of it to get a lot of chores done. I made progress on several fronts.


One of my four log piles is finally being turned into firewood. I used my new DR Power log splitter on some 16 inch diameter logs. The first image shows that the log is almost as big as the splitter itself.

The next two images show before and after shots of a log going through the splitter. A hydraulic ram pushes the log against the red splitting wedge and the log is split in seconds. It doesn’t take long before I have enough wood to keep the stove going for another few days.


I also decided to tackle the workshop while the weather stayed warm. It took the rest of the day, but the workshop got seriously organized. Bob Eich, my contractor, laughed as he looked in the door. He said, "I can finally see the floor in there!" I need to complete the cleanup by the weekend as I have projects to  build for new clients. There will be no pictures of the workshop until it is fully operational again.

My home office

I have designed a new desk for myself that will give me adequate work space in a 5×10 foot area. This work space is near the entrance of the house so I can’t get away with the casual housekeeping practices I followed in my old home office.

I had considered buying a desk and storage system at Office Max where they had a lot of attractive-looking desk combinations, but none had the features I really needed. I think my design will prove to be useful and it may interest clients who are looking for a rugged and economical office setup. I will provide some sketches and will solicit suggestions as the design evolves. Everyone will get to play desk designer!

Pure water system

Our well water is sweet and cold, but it has a tiny bit of sediment and the taste varies at times. I am finally getting around to installing the Reverse Osmosis system I purchased over a month ago. I had Bob Eich, my contractor, do the necessary plumbing so that I now have a cold water feed and a shut-off valve for the RO system. He also ran tubing through the walls so that I can make the final connections and be in business in the next few days.

We also installed a whole house sediment filter so that any sediment from the well is trapped and removed before the water gets to the washing machine, the dishwasher, or the hot water heater. The reverse osmosis system does additional filtering and purification for drinking water and the ice maker in the refrigerator.

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