Whether you homeshool or not, this is a movement that is beginning to have a significant impact on the future of education.
This is just another one of the "ripples" that I find myself tracking because it heralds a paradigm shift in the way our grandchildren will be educated.
Perceptive parents are continuing to migrate to homeshooling – and that worries the teachers unions! These unions are increasing efforts to control home schooling and convert it into public schooling done at home. I don’t think these unions have the student’s education in mind, because homeschooled children routinely outperform public-schooled children in tests.
See posts by some homeshool bloggers on this latest Carnival of Homeschooling.
For a sobering view of the state of education in South Carolina, you might want to read Thank God for Mississippi! and other comments from citizens of South Carolina. Then go on to read What Our Children Need on the same South Carolina State Department of Education website. It makes me wonder how citizens of other states rate their schools and what the states are doing about it.
I know there are a number of people in Floyd who homeschool their children. I would like to hear their views and read their blogs.
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