Building/moving to a new home – day 57

The calm before the storm…

Calmb4storm_1I woke up at 5:00 yesterday morning and walked out on the back deck to enjoy the new day. It was November 16th and yet it felt like a summer morning. The sun was nowhere in sight, but a gentle breeze from the South swayed this pot of chrysanthemums.

I found this balmy weather hard to believe because my computer weather map showed a massive storm front bearing down on us and it was scheduled to hit in just a few hours.

I was enjoying a cup of Rooibos tea when my cat, Sherman, seriously considered lunging after a moth while perched on a fifteen foot high railing. Fortunately for both of us, he decided against performing an Evel Knievel leap into the outer darkness. He finally returned to the deck floor and leaned companionably against my leg.Sherman

He is increasingly nervous these days and does not like to let us out of his sight. Our comings and goings to the new house in Floyd and the hordes of buyers trooping through this house have alerted both cats to the fact that Something Awful is about to happen.

The closing on this house is scheduled for December 19th. We have very little time to get the new house finished and move all of our belongings to Floyd. We will be racing around packing and coordinating contractors at the construction site, so things will be more hectic around here than usual.

When the cats see the furniture disappear, they will probably go out of their minds. We will do everything possible to get them to their new home in one piece, but in the final analysis, they have to be part of the process. Running off into the woods on moving day is not a recommended option. It won’t work for us, and it certainly isn’t going to work for them!

I am preparing for the move starting today. I have put four new tires on the big Dodge van and am looking to rent a tandem axle cargo trailer with a rear ramp door. Anyone have a cargo trailer that they want to rent? This is what I want, something like this one.Cargotrailer

The current game plan is to move in five stages, possibly using the new workshop as an interim storage facility intil the house is completely finished.

PODS are now available in this area, but they do not provide service in Floyd, so I need to use equipment or a service that will let me move in stages as space becomes available at the other end. I will appreciate any suggestions you might have to make the move easier. 

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