The week that was

Last week generated more excitement around our house than usual.

Gretchen and I had a major framing project to complete and an exhibition at the Jacksonville Center to prepare for. I was also scheduled to go in for a cardio procedure on Friday which could possibly put me out of comission for several weeks while two consulting clients still had programs in progress. It would have been a high stress week without the support of my wife and caring friends.

People stepped in and helped in many different ways. Jim Connor took over the administration of the Floyd Tea Party members Forum which is just beginning to take off. My clients wished me godspeed on my medical procedure and were happy to give me time to recover if necessary. Neighbors, friends, and family prayed for me.

Momotova-100_2036 We were able to complete the framing project and to help hang it in the Breezeway Gallery at the JAX. I was in the hospital cardio section so I could not attend the reception at the Jacksonville Center but I heard that it was well attended and many paintings and prints were sold which will result in money being sent to Russian artist Lilia Momotova to further her career.

Fortunately, my hospital visit turned out to be a non-event because the good doctor could find nothing needing repairing This was a huge relief and a total surprise as well. I had to spend a night in the hospital to get over the effects of the catheterization and contrast dye, but I am able to drive and get back to work today.

I still do not know how or why my condition changed for the better, but I am eternally grateful for all of your prayers and good wishes.

On a different note, there were several people who were interested in obtaining original pastels by Lilia Momotova  and they nociced that only a few were on display at the Jacksonville Center. We have eleven original pastels that are still unframed. These can be obtained with custom framing to match your home or workplace. If you are interested, send me an email.


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