I discovered so many great weblogs recently that I have fallen behind in a number of important areas. I have missed adding some of them to my list of blogs. I have not added them to my list of RSS feeds. And, most important of all, I have not taken the time to share them with you.
I am going to make Friends in Far Places a weekly feature, until I catch up with my backlog of interesting sites to share.
Since I discovered the Tokyo Times, I am never at a loss for interesting ground-level news from Japan.
Lee Chapman, a British bloke who ended up living and teaching in Tokyo writes about his adopted country in a thoroughly endearing way. Arriving in 1998, for a year, or maybe two, he is still there. And it looks like he’ll be there for a fair bit longer too.
He captures an unexpected side of Japanese character in this amazing story about a horse with a 105 race losing streak. His affectionate reporting of Japanese approaches to common Western social problems, like smoking, will give you a different viewpoint of the Japanese culture.
Wayne Hurlburt writes multiple blogs in Canada, or is that Canadian?
A man of many talents, he has provided me with fresh insights about marketing, Public Relations, and the unknown world, for me, of Roller Derbies. His Business World Blog always has timely marketing tips like this one on Viral Marketing.
He offers many well-researched tips for expanding your visitor traffic. It will pay dividends if you take the time to read some of his posts like this one. I have seen my traffic increase whenever I have implemented one of Wayne’s suggestions.
G’day Mate always has amusing tidbits from Down Under. His recent post on the advantages of borrowing the company car is a classic. As is this photo:
One of my favorite business bloggers is Jennifer Rice, who always has something interesting to offer. She recently stumbled upon Robert Scoble’s Corporate Weblog Manifesto..
I am pleased that I have visitors from India like Charukesi. He has a thoughtful post on cell phone spam.
Last minute updates:
While collecting links for this post, I discovered a new business/personal blog, A Penny For… which I expect to visit often. I also discovered another blog about branding.
I am not going to be able to catch up tonight. There are many more friends I have yet to mention. I will do my best to do another round-up as soon as possible.
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