Maybe next year….

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The deer come quietly in the chill morning sunlight and huddle together for warmth as they sample the daily spread at our backyard feeding station. Their dark grey-brown coats blend so well into the background of fallen leaves that it is hard to photograph them unless you catch them in full sunlight as I did here. The deer with their patches of white and the birds with their bright feathers are the only spots of color we see.

Two weeks ago, we were driving through hardwood forests in south central Virginia, and we saw the first beginnings of a riot of fall colors. The late afternoon sunlight lit up a few trees here and there with intense bursts of red and yellow foliage. We were eagerly anticipating a repeat of last year’s fall glory. Entire mountainsides had been ablaze in vivid autumn finery and it had lasted for many weeks. We had one day to marvel and I even wrote a post about it.

Then it seems like we turned our attention away momentarily, only a few days, to the business of making a living and our show of fall foliage was cancelled. It was a keener disappointment than the cancellation of any promising TV series. We felt cheated, and there was no one we can complain to, no one we can even fault.

We apparently had a few days of heavy rain and stiff winds which left us with bare trees and drifts of dark brown leaves everywhere. We look out upon winter woods now, grey and black and brown.

Maybe I need to get back to work and create a little color and light and activity myself. After all, I can either be the effect of things like weather or I can throw myself into creating things. Oh yes, that again, cause or effect. Guess I’d rather be cause.

More later.

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