If you are visiting Floyd this Fall, read this…

Starbuck Lane_2

I am getting more email every week from future immigrants who ask how to make the most of their upcoming visits to Floyd. Some of them have already bought land in Floyd or in the nearby counties and are now bringing relatives here to share their discovery.

For those of you who are considering country life, here is a quick take on how to decide whether Floyd is for you and you are right for Floyd:

1. Check out my website Discover Floyd County. It is a quick overview on some of the factors I found important about country living. 

2. When you bring your family or friends to Floyd, you need to have them wander the streets of Floyd on foot and to visit a few key locations to get a feeling for the lifestyle and ambiance that is Floyd. Make sure that you all talk to everyone you meet.

3. Have them visit the following places and have them ask people about Floyd and how it is to live and work here. If your friends are planning to open a business here at some point, the questions will be different of course.

In no particular order, visit these places:

-Cafe del Sol (several times – in the morning especially)
-The Jacksonville Center, in the afternoon and ask about the classes
-The Bell Gallery – admire the art and Darcie’s Kittens
-Oddfellas Cantina on Saturday night or for the Sunday Brunch
-The Over the Moon Gallery and Coffee Shop for lunch and on Friday Nights

-The Blue Ridge Restaurant for breakfast any day and take note that this is the only restaurant open on Mondays and Tuesdays except for Subway and Hardees.

-The Floyd Country Store for lunch and on Friday Nights for the Friday Night Jamboree.

-Visit the Harvest Moon Food store and compare to the Sweet Providence Farm Market on Hwy 221 Northeast of Floyd.

-Visit the Winter Sun which houses the Cafe del Sol and a soon to open Mexican Restaurant. Explore the galleries and studios downstairs. The artists in the Art Under the Sun Studio and Gallery can give you more tips on cultural and other attractions for those moving to Floyd.

-Eat at the Pine Tavern and enjoy family-style food service and hospitality.

-Browse the Farmer’s Supply Hardware store next to the stoplight in Floyd.

-Buy hardware or supplies at Wills Ridge Supply off North Rte 8 on Lumber Rd and stop in and check out the Bread Basket bakery on the way to or from Wills Ridge Supply.

-Browse Slaughter’s Market and Garden Supply (two stores). Check out the Food Lion

-Stop in at The Pickin’ Porch and chat with working musician Scott Perry and admire his vintage and homegrown acoustic instruments.

-If health issues are a problem, ask about practitioners, doctors, dentists, etc. There are a few locally, but most people go to Christiansburg or Blacksburg for treatment.

-For information about local real estate, you might contact Julie Arrington, a friend of ours. There are others, but their names escape me at the moment. I will add them later.

-The Chamber of Commerce Office is staffed by friendly volunteers and they can provide a wealth of information about the area also.

-Visit Mabry Mill  and the Overlooks on the Parkway for scenic beauty. See also the Morrisette Winery and the Villa Appalaccia Winery.

Drive the country roads around Floyd County and drink in the scenery, but look carefully at the range of accommodations on almost every back road. We have beautiful views but we also have residents who don’t just accumulate cars in their yards, some of them collect school buses.

Rural living is not tidy lawns and gated enclaves. It is hard-working people struggling to make a go of it however they can. They are good people and make wonderful neighbors. You just have to decide whether you will fit in and make a welcome addition to the mix.

A lot of Some talented people have come to Floyd and reluctantly decided that LA or DC or KC was where they needed to be, and they left after a few years of trying to make a go of it here.

Country life in a small-town environment makes a few demands on you and the most important is that you need to be the kind of person who makes haste slowly and are willing to understand and work with the many groups that make this county what it is today.

Those who are comfortable with themselves will do well here. You can change Floyd, but living in Floyd will probably change you more than you realize.

Please take note of the following, as it can be a real deal-killer for someone planning to move to Floyd:

Plan on bringing your job with you or be ready to invest in a local business because we don’t have a robust economy yet.

We need self-starters who will find ways to serve this growing community with goods and services that are needed.

If you have other questions, please send me an email and I will be happy to meet you at the Cafe Del Sol where we can chat. I may be able to introduce you to people who really know what is going on. I am always interested in meeting people who can contribute to the energy that is building here in Floyd County.

You should also read our local Floyd County bloggers to get a multi-dimensional view of life in this county. They make excellent reading and will give you valuable tips for understanding Floyd.

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