Tag Archives: Mac Traynham

House Concerts are a time for coming together

It was a fine way of starting off the new year. People from all over Floyd County were greeting friends and making new ones at Mac and Jenny Traynham’s farmhouse in Willis. Mac and Jenny were hosting a house concert … Continue reading

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Bloggers provide Hyperlocal News in Floyd, VA and elsewhere

From Wikipedia we get this definition of Hyperlocal News:

The term "hyperlocal" is sometimes used to refer to news coverage of community-level events usually overlooked by mainstream media outlets.

There is so much going on, even in a local neighborhood, that it is impossible for a newspaper to provide complete coverage of all of the events worth noting.

MillerlustersetIn Floyd, our growing number of bloggers have barely scratched the surface in terms of covering the events that describe what is special about Floyd, Virginia.

As much as I try, I can’t keep up with the activities I see every day that add meaning and joy to life in Floyd.

For example, I was able to describe a wonderful meal by Natasha, but I should have found time to describe the tasteful set of 1930’s Jazz stylings performed by Billy Miller and Chris Luster.

Earlier, I attended a memorable house concert by Mac and Jenny Traynham who have just released a new CD. I was able to take photos, but I was unable to get time to write an article. Fortunately Fred First was able to post an article, Good Time Had by All.

Even earlier, I became a spectator to Mara’s Birthday Party and Pants Signing, which happens only in places like Floyd.

Colleen Redman was participating in the event and she nudged me into providing coverage by writing about my non-coverage in her blog. There is no escape when other local bloggers write about your blogging habits.

These are the kind of events that make up the warp and woof of life in a small community. Many of them do get covered in the Floyd Press which does a fine job of providing local news, but some just fell under the radar before the advent of ubiquitous digital cameras and recorders and bloggers who found a purpose in capturing life as it happens.

Most of Floyd’s bloggers cover a wide range of news, but there are a growing number of bloggers who are considered to be only hyperlocal.

If you would like to see who they are, read past the jump:

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