Let’s Use This Weekend to Kick Things Up A Notch – Workshop and Webinar to Increase Ability

I have been covering new ground at a rapid pace for the past month and I would like to spend time this weekend making sure you are able to consolidate what has been said into workable practice.

In the Free Saturday workshop, we will start with drilling perception of non-physical phenomena and move into the basics of communicating with unseen spirits and then into identifying and handling barriers to both of these areas. I will be demonstrating handling the barriers for all those who volunteer.

You can join me on Zoom at 12 noon EDT on 1-18-2020 using this link: https://zoom.us/j/4710611444

In the Sunday webinar, we will review the importance of recognizing our ability to perceive non-physical phenomena and how that translates into being able to influence physical universe phenomena.

Have you ever considered that all physical universe phenomena start with non-physical phenomena?

You may have heard of the saying, “Intention is cause”. That is manifestly true because matter does not move by itself. It is moved through some action by a living thing and every living thing is animated by the intentions of a large number of spirits.

Getting these spirits to work together is quite a chore, especially if you do not recognize that there are other spirits involved beside yourself.

We are going to look at the full story of getting things done in the physical universe and this may help some of you who are not getting the things done that you want done.

We will have some exercises here to sharpen your perceptions of what is going on in another person’s space and in your own. The expected result is that you should end the weekend more able to get things done and help others to get things done.

Join me on Zoom Sunday at 12 noon EDT using this link: https://zoom.us/j/4710611444

There is a $10 donation for the webinar, and if you have not already paid, please use this link: paypal.me/DavidStLawrence/10

This entry was posted in Learning New Things, Possibly Helpful Advice, Spiritual Abililties, Spiritual Technology at Work. Bookmark the permalink.

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